A Movie

Wolson 海峡のアリア
Kaikyo no Aria
Aria of the Straits

Director Ota Shinichi

Abou this Movie


Wolson, the Japanese-born daughter of non-naturalized Korean parents, begins without citizenship and facing many challenges. She overcomes limiting laws and rules to make a name for herself as an international opera singer, becoming the first such artist to perform in both North and South Korea, while doing her best to avoid politics. However, when she is denied the right to sing a certain song in South Korea (allowed only to voice the melody), she decides she must do more to understand and embrace the power of music. She finds an unknown ode to Korean unity which speaks to her, and she turns it into a popular cry for peace, hope and togetherness which brings together ethnic Koreans divided over multiple continents. Wolson must then deal with the sad loss of family members and other hardships, but the music and struggles are still playing today.